r e v e r i e : n o i s e c i t y
Venue (map location) description



AUTOTELIC: experiments in slow time by Igor Santizo


Description of the Venue

" The Way never acts yet nothing is left undone."

_Tao Te Ching, Lao Tzu, chapter 37

" In the plain below us festered the center of the Mass. It was almost solid white ... we saw a nightmare landscape, twisted, contorted, visibly gummy, and sticky, filled with lumpy spirals, convolutions, writhings of thick flabby fibers yards across.
Part of it seemed to seethe visibly even as we watched, like cells undergoing mitosis..."

_The Artficial Kid, Bruce Sterling, p.261-62

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Play and experimentation can have a similitude by way of openness, rather than closure, to a question or condition. In the spirit of such malleability and trial operations, this space is thought of as a kind of inquiry notebook.

By locating consciousness as the centerpiece of the creative process, the sound experiments below are played as meditations and ritualized actions or attention sketches.

Defined as: having a purpose in itself, the AUTOTELIC, is in this case the process of questioning and exploring the metaphysical relationship between attention and form, pause and activity. The ambient notation of this inquiry is a production that intends to simply connect with the suchness of being Awake to sound as sound.

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image cropped from photo by: morgue file / pindiyath